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Muslims like to go on about how the Quran is perfectly preserved, but Romeo and Juliet from William Shakespeare is also perfectly preservered, so that is actually a weak reason for why it is the truth. I was speaking to two Muslims this time and the main Muslim that I was speaking to did not seem to want to even answer my question until I became a bit stubborn in asking for one. With there being two Muslims this time, you would think that they would have been able to do a better job, but they both seemed to want to just divert away, from the question that I had asked. This shows that the Muslim Imam's have been avoiding explaining this problem to their students, almost as if they think that the problem will go away, if they do not say anything about it. I know that a lot of Christians are scared of challenging Muslims on their beliefs, but this then allows them to get away with hiding a lot of the problems that Islam has.
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