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In this recording I am speaking to someone who wants to hide their beliefs, but then also wants to ask some questions about what he thinks are contradictions in the Bible. He asked me about two classic ones that I have heard before, which are how did the Israelite elders get to see God standing, while He said that no one can see Him and he also asked another classic one which is how could Judas hang himself and also then fall over with his stomach bursting open. I gave him the answer to these two as you can hear in the recording, but he didn't seem happy to get the answers, which showed that he was only interested in there not being an answer to his questions. He then came with a question about how many blind men were healed by Jesus at Jericho and this was the one where he finally felt that he had been successful in showing that the Bible was not from God, but the way that he achieved this goal, was just by ignoring the rest of the things that we were saying. I had already prepared a leaflet for someone like this, so I gave it to him for him to read it if he wants to. In the end we just have to understand that God can do things in the way that He knows is best for us and it is then down to us to recognise when He is communicating with us, then we just have to respond in the appropriate way.
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