Post date:
00:01:32 Kay part 1
00:05:57 Kay Part 2
00:13:43 Paperboy part 1
00:15:22 Paperboy part 2
00:20:22 Mike Licona
00:22:40 My explanation of what happened in Numbers 31
In this recording I am speaking about some Christians who have no problem throwing away the Old Testament and it's prophets, if they are challenged on it, in relation to some of their fake doctrines. In the first two recordings the Christians are being challenged by some Muslims, who like to take advantage of the Sunday Christians, because they know that they do not like some of the things that are writen in the Old Testament. A true Israelite will study what is written, i norder to understand the point that God is trying to make, but because the Sunday Christians are just standard pagans, they expect God to only put things in there that are convenient for them.
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