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00:06:45 Ezekiel 20:33-37 How the real New Covenant will be happening.
00:09:15 The two churches who were not rebuked in Revelation 2 and 3.
00:10:05 Ezekiel 20:38-40 The restoration of the real Israelites.
00:13:50 Satan's people seem to take the Bible more seriously than the modern Christians.
00:15:50 Isaiah 3:16-24 Time to find out why the real Israelite women are crazy about their hair.
00:25:35 Isaiah 3:17 He knows who the Bible is talking about, but he doesn't want to admit it.
When we look at what is happening in the world, it should be obvious to anyone who has eyes, that things are not balanced when it comes to how people are behaving in this world. This is one of the reasons why I did have this conversation with Dr Banda, in order to see if we could work out why there is one particular race is of women on this earth who seem to be going a bit crazy over how their hair has been engineered by God. Since Dr Banda is a Christian, I tried to bring out some verses related to how to identify the real Israelite women, and he was doing his best to get around the verses that I was bringing out, but the biggest problem that he had, was that he either had to say that these women, who were described in the verses, still did exist, or he would have to say that someone had somehow managed to reverse these curses, even though God did not say yet that they have been lifted.
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