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In this video I am just investigating the state of some Hebrew Israelite websites, to show that they are good at getting their particular doctrine out, but they do not seem to be able to deal with some things that are a part of real life. The first group whose website I looked at was Lions of Israel who are lead by someone who calls himself Priest Danyaahla, even though Jesus is the only one who can have a rank currently as a priest. On earth currently, we are only supposed to be Bishops, Deacons, Brothers and Sisters, but the Hebrew Israelites have decided to add some of their own ranks to what God has set up. The next group that I looked at is called ISUPK which stands for Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge and I would have thought that their website would have had an unparalleled loading speed, because of how big the mouths of some of their captains and generals, but it turned out that all of that bluster still ended up producing an under performing website, that exposes how empty some of their words are. The next website that I looked at is for a group called IUIC or Israel United in Christ and they seem to be the biggest group at the moment, so you would think that they would also have the fanciest site as well, but it turned out that they were yet another group, who were drawn into the web of the fame of Wordpress, so their website also suffers from the default Wordpress slowness that is currently plaguing the world. The next we site that I looked at was for a group called GOCC or Gathering Of Christ Church and it looks like they are also a victim of the famed slowness of a default WordPress install, so even they could not be saved from it's slowness, by the impressive words that come from the mouths of their leaders. The next website that I looked at is for a group called The Israel of God and you will not find this groups members preaching on the high street, so maybe this is why their website is slow, because they spend most of their time just sitting in a building while talking to each other. The last website that I looked at is for someone called (h2n man) and he is another person who likes begging for money, so you would have thought that he would at least made sure that he had got in touch with some brothers and paid them the expected money for them to speed his site up, but as with the other underperforming websites, his website also was performing well below the expected levels, for someone who sounds so impressive when he talks.
It is about time that the Hebrew Israelites would perform as well as they sound, in all aspects relating to waking their people up, but maybe the lack of performance in their websites, is happening because they are not interpreting the Bible in the right way.
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