Conversation With an Ex-Christian Who Became a Muslim - Speakers Corner Hyde Park

In this recording I am speaking to a young former Christian man who is now a Muslim and he is giving the reasons why he left the church. He said that one thing that impressed him about the Muslims was a time when a Jew, a Christian and a Muslim were asked a question on a panel, with the Jew and Christian just talking in a way that sounded good, while the Muslim just gave a straight answer and admitted it if he did not know something. I asked him if he tried to talk to anyone at the church before he left, but he said that the people who were there, did not seem like the kind of people who could be reasoned with, because of how emotional they were.
This is a big problem that is currently happening in the modern Christian church and it is mainly happening because nobody is challenging the lies that the entertainment pastors are telling, which then makes the non Christians think that Christians are stupid by default and will then just believe any lie that they are told by the church leaders. There are probably a lot of young men in the church who are being ignored by the majority of modern Christians, which then makes them leave and go to any other group who will listen to what they are trying to say. This then leaves the church full of women who seem to be easy to deceive, which the church pastors are of course fine with, because of how much money they can extract from these women, who seem to prefer the lies that the pastors are telling. The young men in the church are also the ones who are more likely to question what is going on there, so it is actually more beneficial for the church pastors if the young men end up leaving, so that the pastors can then be left with the women who seem to be easier to deceive.

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