Explaining Jesus The Son of God to Two Quick Talking Super Brainwashed Muslims - Speakers Corner

When I was approached by these two Muslims I felt like running, because I could tell how solid their brainwashing was, from the way they were running off their standard dawah lines, without hardly having any time to take a breath, but I remembered that our God expects us to give the message to anyone who asks (1 Peter 3:14-16), even if we might think that they will just be ignoring what we are saying. When listening to these two Muslims speak I could tell that the brainwashing seemed to have been very effective on them, because of how long they could talk for while repeating the things that they have been taught.
With these Muslims I had another chance to explain about Jesus being the Son of God, so that they can understand that Zakir Naik does not really know much about the Bible, by me showing them the correct understanding of who Jesus is. When listening to other Christians trying to explain about Jesus at Speakers Corner, I notice that they are just leaving Muslims more confused, because they are spending most of their time just repeating a doctrine invented by the Roman Catholics, rather than using the words of the Bible to bring the real understanding of who Jesus is.
You will notice that I mention Laurel and Hardy a few times and this is because they were both talking a lot and they would even interrupt each other some times, while they were eagerly trying to tell me how wonderful Islam is and how wonderful their prophet is. But after a while I finally managed to get out some hadiths that showed that their prophet, seemed to be more of a bandit than someone who had been sent as a prophet.

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Stop going around the kaaba