The Ezekiel 37 Dry Bones Scam of The Church Preachers and The SARS-Cov-2 Coronavirus Is Here To Stay

The Ezekiel 37 Dry Bones Scam of The Church Preachers and The SARS-Cov-2 Coronavirus Is Here To Stay

This video was deleted by YouTube, so it is only available here.
In this recording I am speaking to a Christian about one of the classic Bible chapters, which talks about the dry bones that Ezekiel was shown in a valley. If you have ever been to a church that has some fancy sounding preachers, then there is a good chance that you have probably heard someone preaching, while using some of what is mentioned in Ezekiel 37. The Bible has obviously been written in a way that encourages the reader to read the whole of the chapter, so that they can properly understand the context of what is being spoken about, but you will notice that modern preachers like to just use a few verses from the Bible, in order to get the point across that they want to make, while not caring about the fact that they are covering up the intention of the original writer.
Because of the way that preachers like to do this, I decided to show this particular preacher that this is the wrong thing to do, because this then stops the hearer from getting the message that God is trying to give to them and we can see that the Ezekiel 37 message is actually for a set of people who are in a very bad state, so this message could actually help them to live a better life, but the preachers obviously do not care about these people.
The second part of the conversation somehow drifted over to the current virus pandemic and how the government and media are not giving the full information about how the virus does it's job, because they know that most people do not care about the details of what is going on in relation to it. I explained what I know about how viruses operate and asked him if they are giving this sort of information on the television, but he said that this is not happening, which shows that the government is taking advantage of the ignorance of the people.
This video is only on the main site and Bitchute, because YouTube or Facebook would instantly have it deleted, because they have been ordered to only allow videos to play that toe the party line.

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