God's People Will Be Returning, So Find a Christian Church That Cares

The real Israelites will be returning, but the modern Christian church is doing its best to hide this fact from the people, so that their leaders can carry on with taking money from people under false pretences. If you actually bother to read your Bible, then you can easily find the things that the modern Christians are trying to hide from you, but the main problem that we have in this modern world, is that most people are taking the Bible as a joke, which then means that they are going to be surprised when God begins the next phase of His plan. Now that we have the internet, there is no excuse for people who are being stopped from having group Bible studies because of their local church doctrines, because we can now go online and have those studies with willing people instead. I currently have a platform that can be used for free by anyone who wants to have an online Bible study, so if there are people out there who want to do this, then they can get in touch so that we can set something up.

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