How Do I Know That The Bible is Real?

The knowledge arrives

I have no idea why I did not write this article when I first realised what was going on, but here it finally is and hopefully someone will benifit from what it written in it. I remember when I first realised that the things that were going on in the modern Christian church, seemed to actually validate the authenticity of the Bible and then mentioned this to a person that I know, who is very learned in the more scholarly aspects of the Bible. It was his reaction that made me see that there must be something in what I had realised, but for some reason I did not take things any further. I was listening to an atheist questioning some mormons about how do they prove that their belief is real and I then remembered that I had not made any progress on what I had realised before, but this time the thought did appear in my head that an article needs to be written about this subject. The thing that seemed to get to me about how the Mormons were trying to defend their belief, is that they did not try to use the Bible or the Book of Mormon to defend what they believed, but they instead were just trying to just use their own cleverness, which was not working that well against the atheist who was questioning them.

Muslims expose the fake ones

I have also noticed a similar thing happening when I have seen Christians being questioned by Muslims at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, which is in London England. Usually when the Muslims ask their initial question, the Christian will usually reply without using their Bible and then ramble off some words which any learned person can tell just came straight out of their head. I have noticed that the Muslims at Speakers Corner, have really been studying their Bibles and this has allowed then to really confuse some of the Christians who are there, which then could make an unlearned person think that the Muslim god is supporting his people more than the Christian God. This certainly is not the case though, because God had no problems suporting His servants in the Bible that did keep His commandments, but these modern Christians have decided that they do not want to keep any of God's commandments, that they feel are inconvenient, so it is hardly a surprise that He is not supporting them against the Muslims. Because the modern Christians have gotten so used to not using their Bible, when trying to explain things about their faith, this has then allowed the Muslims to use this as a means to attack the foundations of Christianity itself. I have noticed that the Muslims are using the Trinity as one of their main subjects, when it comes to sewing confusion amongst the ranks of the so called Christians at Speakers Corner and I am not surprised that this is the case because the concept of the Trinity is something that someone has just made up, because we know that they have not been to Heaven, in order to confirm that what they are saying is right. But you will find that most Sunday Christians will believe in this nonsense, just because their church leaders have been tought this in their seminaries, but not because they have been tought by the God of the Bible.

Muslim god of convenience

Muslims seem to have things very easy because their Quran is not very strict when it comes to how they have to behave, so it is easy for them to believe in and do the things that it says. The Quran came from someone called Muhammad who called himself a prophet and it is full of a lot of things that were convenient for him, when it came to dealing with other people like his wives and relatives, so it will be easy for any man to keep if they are in a similar position to what Muhammad was in. The Bible though was inspired by God, so He will obviously put things in it that relate to Him getting the glory rather than a man. Now some might complain and say why should they do something where only God gets the glory, but they will have forgotten that God is invisible to us, so the person who helped God to get the glory is the only one who can benefit from whatever has happened. Since God is obviously not getting the glory at the time that this article was written, this obviously means that the modern Christians are doing the wrong thing, but you will notice that they will stubbornly refuse to admit this and some will even imply that it is God who does not want to do anything at this moment in time.

Too real for modern Christians

After all of the above rambling I have now come to the reasoning for why I know that the Bible is real and the simple reason is that it would explain why modern Christians like to miss out on studying huge chunks of it. You might have also heard about some groups of people who call themselves Hebrew Israelites; well they also try to follow what is written in the Bible and they also will miss out huge chunks of it as well. The Muslims do a good job of following what is in the Quran, which would seem to indicate that it was written by a man, but why is it that whenever a group of people try to follow what is written in the Bible, they seem to mysteriously have a problem with a lot of the things that are written in it. Usually when I speak to a Christian and ask them about something in the Bible, they will give their answer to my question, without going anywhere near their Bible. I will then get my Bible out and read some verses relating to the question, while they will still steadfastly refuse to get out their Bible; almost as if they believe what is in their head more than what the Bible says. When someone becomes a Muslim they can go to any Mosque to pray and they should get a good welcome, with them then not only being recognised as a member of the Mosque that brought them to Islam, but they will also get a good welcome at any other mosque that they might go to. With Christianity it is different, because you end up being called a member of the church of the people that converted you and the leader of that church will even sometimes discourage you from going to a church that is run by a different organisation. They will sometimes get even more upset if you support that other church organisation, in any of the activities that they are doing, because they might have some doctrines that are different from the "membership" church organisation. This idea of having church denominations is something that was completely invented by mankind and has nothing to do with God, because it promotes division, while God can only promote unity. The many denominations have simply happened because each church leader has been given the power to control a group of people who will faithfully listen to them. The church leaders then could see that their congregations preferred to listen to what they were saying, rather than believing what God was saying through His prophets, because the church leaders were doing such a good job of saying that their current lifestyles were ok.

They can't hold their spirits

In the Bible God has even said what He will do to people who take His word as a joke and we can read of one such statement in II Thessalonians 2:9-12 which says "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." and we see here how God is going to send these kinds of people a strong delusion, so that they will believe a lie. This must mean that God knows that the vast majority of modern Christians are taking His word as a joke and it then looks as if He is allowing them to just believe whatever random things that are in their heads. I would have to admit that it must be something spiritual that is causing the Sunday worship Christians to believe what their church leaders are saying, because I have noticed how skilled they are in evading any Bible verses that I bring to show why they are wrong. There have even been times when the person will admit that the Sabbath is a comandment of God, but they will then seem to ignore what they have said previously, in order to repeat what they have been taught, by the Sunday worship church leaders, like a robot. If there was not a spiritual force that was stopping the Sunday people from believing what the Bible says, then it should be easy to bring the appropriate Bible verses, with them then immediately repenting, when they realise the truth of what is being said. But the fact that they do not immediately repent, seems to indicate that there is something else inside their head, that they prefer to listen to, instead of what God is saying from the Bible.

False Christians reinterpreting the Bible

So we can see plainly that there is something that is causing modern Christian church people to read the Bible, but to then not want to do what is written in it. This effectively means that the modern Christians are not serving the God who has arranged for the Bible to be written, but a god who they find more convenient, because he will compromise on his words so that they can enjoy their lives more. Islam was started by a man who also seemed to view the things in the Bible as an inconvenience, because he then arranged for a book to be written that is like the Bible, but it mostly contains incomprehensible stories and commandments that were convenient for him to be able to control his followers. Another group called the Mormons was started by Joseph Smith who also came up with a book that was also watered down like the Quran and his book is the same in that it just also contains some incomprehensible stories that are quite tireing to read, with it also being very light when it comes to the commandments of their god. The Catholic church also has made up a whole load of things that were from the pagans, with them even making these things a priority in their church, over what God has said in even their own Bibles. It is almost even a complete waste of time to try to convince a Catholic about the majority of what is in their Bible, because they seem to actually enjoy the pagan rituals a lot more that what God has asked them to do, so it is almost as if their delusion is stronger than the other Sunday worship Christians. The 7th Day Adventists are reasonably close to what God wants people to do in the Bible, but they were started by a woman who seemed to be quite deluded, who also seemed to have an uncanny way of getting people to believe the visions that she says that she had, even though some of them were against what God was telling His prophets in the Bible. It would certainly seem as if she had a strong spirit helping her, because I have heard some people talk who seem to really believe the things that she was saying, with them even getting very emotional if I try to quietly say that she could have been mistaken. It can only be something spiritual that is convincing these Adventists to believe what she is saying, because even some of the Adventist church leaders have admitted that there is a problem with her "cleansing of the sanctuary" and "investigative judgemant" prophecies, but have told their pastors to keep on teaching them, mainly to stop their organisation from being destroyed, but it would seem to me that they are also getting some help from the rulers of the darkness of this world, because those rulers know that it is a convenient thing to have a big organisation that can successfully teach lies to the people of the world.

How to live forever by the expert

If the Bible was written by man then it would obviously be an easy thing to follow and there would be lots of people happily doing the things that are written in it. But you would expect that people would have a hard time with any writings that are inspired by the real God, because those writing would obviously have the primary purpose of getting them to stop behaving like how they want to and to instead behave like Him, so that they can be with Him in His kingdom. God has already lived forever, so when it comes to who is more of an expert on what is required for a person to last that long, it is obvious that God will have a lot more knowledge about this subject than we do. It is obvious that the way that mankind currently behaves is a waste of time, because of the 3.5 million people that starve every year, that could easily be fed if the ric people of this world gave their money back. The rich people are also not the only ones to blame, because it is the majority of the worlds population who are the ones that will give their money to the rich, while going after their own lusts, rather than using that money to help out their fellow people on this earth. The Bible has all of the solutions for the problems that we have in this world, but the current fake modern Christian church is doing an impressive job of supressing those words, so it looks like we will have to make do with the sorry state that the world is in, until people decide to actually do, rather than just read, the things that God has asked us to do in His Bible.

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