The Seven Ahruf - In How Many Ways is the Quran Supposed to be Recited?

When you ask a standard Muslim about how many versions of the Quran there are, they will usually automatically say that there is only one version, because that is how they have been programmed to answer by their teachers. In this recording I am talking to a Muslim who started to give the standard reply, but then had to say a bit more when I provided some hadiths that showed that it was actually revealed in 7 different ways. If those seven ways were true then you would have expected them to survive to this day, but it seems as if six of the ways were burned by the calif Uthman, in order to fix any disputes about how the Quran should be recited. From reading the hadiths, it does not look to me as if Muhammad was expecting his made up seven ways of revealing the Quran to cause any problems, but some some things did happen later on, so Uthman had to step in as the new prophet, then he had to decide which revelations from his god should be burned and which ones should be kept.

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