Why Did Elder Gabar Leave GOCC? More Non Secrets Revealed

Well who would have thunk it, that I would come across another piece of non secret information, that GOCC seems to want to be kept secret. When I listened to Elder Gabar explaining in his podcast, about the reasons why he was leaving, it was obvious that those reasons sounded like lightweight ones, but this court case would obviously make a big difference to whether he could stay at GOCC or not. The woman who bought the case also seems to be serious, because she seemed to have no problem stumping up the $402 to get the case put through and she even wanted a jury to be there at the court, which usually means that it is a serious matter. The charges are also a bit bad, with them seeming to indicate that some violence was involved and this sort of charge usually can stick to a man if they are found guilty of it.




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