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I came across this story yesterday while browsing on the internet and when reading it, I realised that this is a good example of what God is showing us will be coming, by making sure to tell us about the Mark of The Beast, as is written in the book of Revelation chapter 13 in the Bible. Lots of people are happily using the free Google services and this then also convinces some of them to recommend those services to their employers, which is one of the reasons why so many companies are actually using them, but just recently one of those IT people who had been drinking the cooling drink, found out how little Google really likes them. Obviously Google is doing what they are doing in order to increase their profits, so if one of those cooling drink drinkers decides to go against their terms of service, then Google will immediately shut them down without mercy. The drinker was saying that Google did not even give them any warning about the shutdown, which I suppose is not a surprise for the non drinkers, because they know that large companies usually like to show their power to the small fry, by flushing them down the toilet when they become an invenience. You can bet that the company that was affected by what Google did do to them, was previously just relaxing while doing their business and they mistakenly thought that the were safe with Google, as long as they were still paying their bills, but Google decided to show this company that just paying them their money is not enough for them to be safe. The thing that really did hit home for me with this incident, is the way that Google was just showing their power, by just ignoring any plea from the company about their business being affected and this is similar to how Satan did just destroy Job's livelihood in the Bible, without any warning or mercy, just because he had the power to do it. Now if God had forced Satan to go and negotiate with Job, then Satan would not have been able to show his power as much and it is the same with Google, because they have been given leeway by God to be in a position to take advantage of people and they are making sure to use that advantage, to show these other small businesses who currently has the power in this earth.
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